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HYPNO HYPNO! The Mimi PlayerPoints Hypno Show!!

Welcome to Doctor Yozh's Hypno Sunflowerdance Show!!
Yes, you can dance on the music with your body behind the pc monitor, while your mind will go into a nice, painless hypno trance!
This show is powered by extra strong, healthy applejuice,
and is dedicated to a great person, Mimi,
and Doctor Yozh's goal is to grab ALL her Onverse player points
after she is in a deep trance by watching this video, yeehaw!
In other words: put the video on FULL SCREEN MODE (see my info below),
stare to the center of it for every 15 seconds,
then watch the inside of your hand (with good light on it), it's MOVING
and 100% ready to give ALL your money to Doctor Yozh, yoopeeee!! ENJOY!!

(Before clicking on the video:
Double click the toolbar’s black dot at the right for Full Screen Mode.
Use your keyboard’s Escape button or the black dot to exit Full Screen Mode again.)


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